To Dance With You Again
I want to dance with you,
to feel your heat behind me,
for us to twirl and sway
beneath the moon
inside closed doors,
or on top of your roof,
or in a crowd of people
that cannot see us move
I want to see your smile,
and smell the beer
on your breath
a small reminder
of the world we knew
before it was forced to shut its doors
with self-isolation, social distance, and fear.
I miss being stuffed
in crowded concert halls,
where stranger’s sweat,
and spit,
and germs infest the air
in an atmosphere of camaraderie
I miss being with you
in a world where we can see
each other’s faces in public,
where I don’t have to search
for eyes, clothing, and voices
to recognize,
where we can dance
in a crowded bar
and pretend that we are strangers.